Denis Parra


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Departamento Ciencia de la Computación
Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul
Santiago, Chile
zip code 7820436
ORCID : 0000-0001-9878-8761
WoS Researcher ID: D-1388-2014

Google Scholar Page
Curso RecSys(PUC)
Coursera MOOC RecSys (es)
Coursera MOOC Visualizacion (es)
Software: pyReclab
Talks' Slides (via Slideshare)
Old Web Site

Hi! I am Denis, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, in the School of Engineering at PUC Chile. I am also affiliated to three centers of research excellence in Chile: i-Health, CENIA, and IMFD. I am principal researcher at the Millenium Institute for Intelligent Healthcare Engineering (iHealth), as well as associate researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA). I am also adjunct researcher at the Millennium Institute for Research on Fundamentals of Data (IMFD).
I hold a professional title of Civil Engineer in Informatics, class of 2004 from UACh, Valdivia, Chile; and a Ph.D. in Information Science from University of Pittsburgh, USA, where I was supervised by Professor Peter Brusilovsky. I earned a Fulbright scholarship to pursue my PhD studies between 2008-2013.

My research interests are Recommender Systems, Intelligent User Interfaces, Applications of Machine Learning (Medical Imaging, Creative AI) and Information Visualization and I am currently leading the Human-centered AI and Visualization (HAIVis) research group as well as co-leading the CreativAI Lab with professor Rodrigo Cádiz. I am also Faculty member of the PUC IA Lab.
If you are interested on these topics and want to work under my supervision as Master or PhD student, send me an e-mail to denis.parra[at]uc[dot]cl.

Selected Projects

Automatic Radiology Report Generation from Chest X-rays

Pino et al, MICCAI 2021, Clinically Correct Report Generation from Chest X-Rays Using Templates Messina et al, MedNeurips 2022, Two-stage Conditional Chest X-ray Radiology Report Generation
CNN-TRG [conf] CRG [conf]
A Survey on Deep Learning for Automatic Generation of Radiological Reports (*for a pre-print of this article, check this ArXiv link)
Slides: Evaluation of radiological report generation [pdf] Slides: Visual, language and mutimodal models for radiological report generation [pdf]

Intelligent User Interfaces for Recommendation Systems

TalkExplorer, recommendation with multiple prospects of relevance SetFusion, hybrid recommendation of conference articles Moodplay, recommendation of music artists
TalkExplorer [conf][journal][demo] SetFusion [conf][journal][video] [slides] Moodplay [conf] [video]
A Survey on Interactive Recommender Systems
*for pre-prints of these articles, check my publications page


August 2024 Attending ACL 2024 conference in Bangkok, Thailand. We are presenting one Findings paper "Extracting and Encoding: Leveraging Large Language Models and Medical Knowledge to Enhance Radiological Text Representation" [link] and two papers in the BioNLP workshop about radiological report generation led by Oscar Loch and Diego Campanini.

July 2024 Attending the ICML 2024 conference in Vienna, Austria. We are presenting the article "On the Unexpected Effectiveness of Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Recommendation"[paper][ppt], with first author MSc student Alvaro Labarca and in collaboration with colleague Rodrigo Toro.

March 2024 I am one of the three Program Chairs at the [ACM IUI conference (along Dorota Glowaka and Ofra Amir), which takes place in Greenville, SC, USA this year.

April 2023-September 2023 On sabbatical leave, I'm spending these 6 months at KU Leuven in Belgium researching on XAI and text report generation from medical images.

November 2022 I am attending Neurips conference, where Pablo Messina, the PhD student I co-supervise at PUC Chile with my colleague Alvaro Soto, will present his article on conditional report generation from medical images at the MedNeurips Workshop.

September 2022 Invited talk as keynote speaker at IntRS workshop co-located at RecSys 2022.

...older news

Latest Publications

Messina, P., Vidal, R., Parra, D., Soto, Á., & Araujo, V. (2024). Extracting and Encoding: Leveraging Large Language Models and Medical Knowledge to Enhance Radiological Text Representation. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024 (pp. 3955-3986) [link].

Labarca-Silva, Á., Parra, D., & Icarte, R. T. (2024) On the Unexpected Effectiveness of Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Recommendation. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning ICML 2024 [link].

Garretón, M., Morini, F., Celhay, P., Dörk, M., & Parra, D. (2023). Attitudinal effects of data visualizations and illustrations in data stories. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics [link].

...more publications



  • Pablo Messina (co-advised with Prof. Alvaro Soto): Grounded VQA and Radiology Report Generation
  • Ivania Donoso (co-advised with Prof. Katrien Verbert, KU Leuven): HCAI for explainable medical AI
  • Oscar Loch: Long-tail image diagnosis

  • MSc

  • Jorge Facuse: SSL to improve classification of Prostate Cancer MRIs
  • Gregory Schuit: generative models of chest X-rays
  • Alfredo Mahns: RL for music generation
  • Francisco Madariaga: VL models for radiology report generation
  • Pedro Palma (co-advised with Prof. Rodrigo Toro): RL Recommender Systems

  • Alumni

  • Manuela Garretón, PhD (now Prof. at School of Design, UC Chile)
  • Andrés Carvallo, PhD (now at CENIA)
  • José Miguel Herrera, PhD (now at Pangeanic)
  • Manuel Cartagena, MSc
  • Pablo Pino, MSc (now at iHealth)
  • Daniela Flores, MSc
  • Isidora Palma, MSc
  • Tamara Covacevich, MSc
  • Antonio Ossa, MSc (co-advised with Prof. Hans Lobel)
  • Pablo Messina, MSc (now PhD student UC Chile)
  • Ivania Donoso, Eng. MSc (now PhD student UC Chile - KU Leuven)
  • Lukas Svicarovic, MSc
  • Vicente Domínguez, MSc
  • María Fernanda Sepúlveda, MSc
  • Jorge Schellman, MSc
  • Maribel Alvarado, MPGI MSc (now at Bibliotecas UC)

  • Teaching



    Academic Service

    Workshop Organization

    Journal Reviews

    Conference Reviews